
virtual economy of speculative

已有 230 次阅读2011-6-17 14:48 |个人分类:Tiffany Jewelry|系统分类:生活日记| Tiffany Outlet, Tiffany Jewelry

ors, namely economic entity of uncertainty, virtual economy of speculative, information asymmetry effect and institutional endogenous risk. While in virtual economic risk manufacturing, government and intermediary organizations and individual speculators played an important role, therefore, in the three main bodies for clues on the Tiffany And Co Outlet real economy transformation of virtual economy, strengthening the supervision, improve information mechanism, encourage innovation system of virtual economy is again to solve the fundamental way of risk. Keywords: virtual economy. Risk, Evade countermeasures The concept of virtual economy from Marx put forward to virtual capital. He Tiffany Jewelry thinks that virtual capital is the credit system and monetary capitalization of the product, is unreal form the actual existence of, not false, not the real capital. Virtual capital generation original intention is to solve economic entity of financing in the contradiction, but when it enters circulation field after, but because of flexible Tiffany Jewelry Outlet form enable traders can frequently changed hands, and as reduce or risks tool, it can not only improve the efficiency of the entity economy, and active the economy as a whole. Unfortunately, the entity economy uncertainties in the virtual economy in the field of conduction, virtual economy inherent speculative attribute, information asymmetry Tiffany On Sale effect of proliferation and institutional endogenous risk but in reducing or risks at the same time, manufacturing and intensifies the greater risk. In view of virtual economy in China's rapid development, virtual economy risks and avoid problems will undoubtedly has the significant and practical significance. A virtual economy activity, the root Tiffany Necklace causes of risk Virtual economy from belongs to the market economy, not an independent economic form, but a new, different from the real economy operation mode. On the one hand, virtual economy by the entity economy, On the other hand, virtual economy is different from the entity economy and has a unique operation. Thus, the analysis of fictitious Tiffany Rings economy operation process of the risks from the two angles and find the breach. (a) economic entity of uncertainties Virtual economy emerged from the entity economy, but cannot be separated from the entity economy, exists in many aspects between the ties. From the economic whole running process view, is the entity economy development needs of virtual Tiffany Co Outlet economy in capital, information on the support of virtual economy operation, but also a moment without entity economy support. In view of entity economy benefit ups and downs, virtual economy field of micro basis - virtual capital price changes will lose the benchmark, and virtual capital price will have a dramatic changes of reason, so virtual economy Tiffany Earrings would be unlikely to lasting development. In the process of operation entity economy by operators ability and external market environment influence, micro credit, profitability and technical innovation progress etc will face the threat o Tiffany Outlet

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